Cacao life

grandmother cacao and grief
dina valentini dina valentini

grandmother cacao and grief

so many people don’t like to talk about grief…they treat it like its something that is an illness that you are embarrassed to have. like its the acne of emotions and if we just put a healing lotion on it, it will go away. nothing is farther from the truth. grief is sneaky and often ruthless. grief has this way of hiding away in the shadows of your soul and waiting until you think you’ve gotten a handle on it and then it just pops up when you catch sight of a hummingbird sipping nectar from a flower because you will never forget that they were your mom’s favorite or you sit down to an espresso like you did with your dad where you snuck sugar (brandy and sambuca) into the coffee shop to make just a normal day a celebration. grief has a way of coiling up inside of you waiting to strike like a rattlesnake when you aren’t remembering to guard yourself…

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